Time: 8:30
Dates: 29 june, 6 jul, 13 jul, 20 jul, 27 jul & 3 aug
Cost: 300kr
Start your weekend/morning moving, activating and oxygenating under the trees and awaken and align your body and senses with a rejuvenating, fun and calming outdoors yoga session and forest bathing exercises in Kosters beautiful Nature!
A Japanese well-being practice, Forest Bathing is designed to heighten connection to nature as well as our selves and our senses, letting us feel connected, joyful and centred.
You're fine in regular clothes,No yoga mat needed. Depending on weather and suitable to who comes, classes are more vigorous and moving/relaxing and softening.
Varmt välkommen in any weather!
Time: 7:30 - 8:30
Dates: 4 july, 11, july, 18 july, 25 july, 1 aug
Cost: 200kr
7-11 Augusti
Denna yogaretreat passar dig som vill fördjupa din praktik och utveckla din pranayama, samt få en djupare förståelse av yogans grundläggande filosofi.
• Mysore style Ashtanga yoga praktik måndag-fredag 8-10 am på Studio Lövås
• Frukost från 10:30 am på Kosters Trädgårdar
• Vegetarisk buffemiddag onsdagkväll på Kosters Trädgårdar
• Två eftermiddagsklasser måndag&torsdag 5-7 pm, yogafilosofi och pranayama
• Varje elev kommer få en egen pranayama sekvens efter kursens slut
15 - 17 September 2023
26 - 28 April 2024
Be warmly invited to a deeply nourishing, transformative Retreat experience with 3 days of energising and invigorating Yoga in Nature, Forest Bathing, mindfuldialogue, Forest Philosophy as well as deeply relaxing indoors Yin/Restorative practices, fun Magic 8 sessions, meditation and live sound bathes.
Delicious locally grown food will be freshly made twice daily by Kosters Trädgårdar eco-cafe for us.
It’s an all-in luxury package and all you have to do is get yourself to the venue and relax.
Bookings are open until 3 weeks prior start.
Min./ max. participants: 6/12