Kosters Trädgårdar


29 July - 1 August

Welcome to the reunion of Kosters Trädgårdar!

We want to celebrate these passed 30 years with you who have been part of creating this place, during any of the passed years, in any area of the project. If you have been part of the project by working, volunteering, etc for at least 1 week we invite you to join this gathering.


Dates: July 29th - August 1st,
Arrival: Afternoon/evening of July 29th, Departure: After lunch on August 1st

Accommodation: You'll be staying in your own tent at Kosters Trädgårdar, preferably shared to ensure everyone has space. Alternatively, you're welcome to arrange other accommodations independently.

Meals: All meals will be enjoyed together. They will be organized by a food group, and on-site volunteers can sign up to assist during meal times.

The schedule for the event will be announced later.

Updates will be posted continuously on this page. Have questions? Email reunion@kosterstradgardar.se

To register, simply fill out the form below. continue here!